Brief description

The circular economy model seeks to create a regenerative and sustainable system. Z-ONA4LIFE fully embraces this vision by leveraging innovative technologies and sustainable practices to efficiently utilise and repurpose aluminium salt slag, thereby promoting circularity in the aluminium industry.

Z-ONA4LIFE promises far-reaching impacts:

  • Technical and Social: It aligns with the new Circular Economy Action Plan, encourages the sharing of best practices, and raises awareness among EU citizens about the environmental and socio-economic benefits of the Z-ONA4LIFE solution for resource recovery from industrial waste.
  • Environmental: It enhances waste management, promotes resource reduction, reduces emissions of pollutants into the air, and safeguards soil quality.

With Z-ONA4LIFE, the EU takes a bold step towards a more sustainable and circular future for the aluminium industry, setting a precedent for global environmental stewardship.

Sep 2023 to Aug 2027 Ongoing
Green Deal

Our role

The project, coordinated by CSIC, is composed of six renewed research and industrial partners with high experience in the circular economy field. Within Z-ONA4LIFE, Trust-IT  leads the Work Package (WP6) for the dissemination, sustainability, replication and exploitation of the project resultswith the specific objectives to:

  • Developing and implementing an effective communication and dissemination strategy.
  • Ensuring the exploitation of project results, widespread replication, and a reliable sustainability plan.
  • Elaborating an effective business strategy to accelerate international market uptake and onboarding.

In WP6, Trust'IT plays a central role, alongside COMMpla, in the following tasks:

  • Dissemination and Communication (T6.1): COMMpla leads this task with strong support from Trust-IT and all partners. They oversee dissemination, communication, and event organisation.
  • Business Strategy (T6.4): Trust-IT takes the lead in crafting a business strategy for international market acceleration, with backing from FERROSADIM and ALUSIGMA.

Trust-IT is also involved in other key tasks:

  • EU Policy and Market Study (T2.2): Trust-IT conducts desktop research and market analysis, leading public consultations with stakeholders. ALUSIGMA and FERROSADIM assist in data analysis and report development.
  • Monitoring KPIS (T5.1): COMMpla and Trust-IT provide KPIs related to international communication, dissemination, and exploitation. CSIC collaborates with FERROSADIM for KPI verification.
  • Evaluation of Impact (T5.2): ALUSIGMA leads the environmental analysis, while Trust-IT conducts the international economic study with support from FERROSADIM.​​​​​​​


The following achievements contribute significantly to knowledge transfer impact:

  • Obtained at least one international patent. 
  • Orchestrated two specialised scientific-technical workshops led by CSIC.
  • Hosted eight informative webinars. 
  • Successfully conducted and delivered four training workshops. 
  • Organised two open days during the project, allowing visits to ALUSIGMA's pilot zeolite transformation plant and COGERSA's effluent depuration demo plant. [KPI: Sustaining 1 open day per workshop for 5 years post-project]
  • Produced a minimum of 15 scientific communications, encompassing peer-reviewed and non-peer-reviewed journals, congresses, and exhibitions. 
  • Influenced policy through two dedicated impact events.


  • A detailed dissemination, communication, and stakeholder outreach strategy and plan (DECP).
  • Implementation of outreach campaigns to build a community and enhance the capacity for the project.
  • A roadmap outlining how the results of Z-ONA4LIFE can be replicated.
  • A business strategy for the pan-European rollout of Z-ONA-4LIFE.

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The Z-ONA4LIFE project has received funding from the European Union's LIFE Framework Programme - under grant agreement no. 101114027.