EOSCsecretariat.eu engagement platforms for you: Liaison Platform & Funding Opportunities are now live for you to try out!

EOSCsecretariat.eu engagement platforms for you: Liaison Platform & Funding Opportunities are now live for you to try out!

13 Aug 2019

During these hot months of Summer, the EOSCsecretariat.eu team has been busy putting together two platforms to make everyone” aimed at making EOSC all-inclusive and help with practical suggestions to help grow and synergise the EOSC community.

The first is the Liaison Platform that provides you with an online outlet to join and initiate discussion around EOSC WG topics, share surveys and questionnaires and validate your own reports and results.

The platform is open to all EOSC stakeholders so join the discussion in EOSC Governance!

The second platform offers valid Funding Opportunities for stakeholders to engage through a Co-creation approach and a budget for all upcoming, foreseen and unforeseen, activities and actions related to the work of the EOSC Secretariat to support the EOSC Governance.

Let's co-create the EOSC for European researchers! Submit your application now! Check out what type of interesting opportunities are available.

Together let’s shape EOSC! Visit EOSCsecretariat.eu website and share your ideas now!


Publication date: 13 Aug 2019