REINFORCE Citizens’ Survey helping to design targeted citizen science projects and engaging support activities

REINFORCE Citizens’ Survey helping to design targeted citizen science projects and engaging support activities

01 Jul 2020
REINFORCE Citizens’ Survey helping to design targeted citizen science projects and engaging support activities

Are you willing to help scientists in the advance of ground-breaking research?

Thanks to REINFORCE project, citizens will have the opportunity to join the global effort to detect Gravitational Waves, participate to a study of “life in the deep sea”, search for new particles at the LHC, and explore the connections across the fields of geology, volcanology and archaeology through an innovative tecnique, such as muography. 


In order for scientists to design the most appropriate opportunities for citizens to contribute and advance knowledge, it is important to go beyond passive methodologies to support scientific endeavours. On the contrary, a participatory design in citizen engagement, in which the user-centred approach is the first and foremost priority, is necessary. In this framework, citizens will be able to be recognized for their contribution in frontier citizen science and make their voices heard.

Envisioning a participatory design in citizen engagement in frontier Physics, the project created a survey meant to investigate citizens' motivations, interests and characteristics. The outcome will be fundamental for the project in order to shape the upcoming activities making them more targeted and engaging for the different citizens groups that REINFORCE aims to involve.


We kindly ask you to support scientists by answering a series of questions about your understanding and interest in science and citizen science.

Publication date: 15 Jul 2020