Joint Networking Meeting

On 29 April 2021, meets the funded projects of the first and second open calls in their first Joint Networking Meeting!

Up until now, the team has been meeting bi-laterally with the projects and now that results are blossoming, It is now an opportune moment for the EU coordinators and their US counterparts to present the work they have done so far in their projects, to talk about their EU-US partnerships, and, above all, to showcase the achievements reached and the impact on the related NGI domains and the community.

The event, entirely virtual, is split into two different sessions, at 11:30 am and at 03:00 pm CEST.

Waterford Institute of Technology opens the session with an introduction and tour de table, followed by the winning project's pitches.

Eurescom and Trust-IT follow by guiding an interactive marketing session with open discussions that will provide valuable input to the project’s online Experimental Catalogue. This is a great chance for the consortium and each of the project teams to learn more about the target audience and users of each experiment (example: citizens, app or service developers, experimental plaftorms, operators, students, industries, etc.), the NGI technologies being experimented within each project, and the NGI solutions being developed for the marketplace.

Finally, the event closes with a wrap up and final round of Q&A, and planning for the NGI International Workshop (18 May 2021) and session (19 May 2021) being held during the annual NGI Forum, moderated by WIT.

Would you like to be part of the next round of projects in our networking events? Follow us on Twitter, LinkedIn, or register to our newsletter if you want to keep abreast of the latest opportunities for funding!