Long-term commitment and continuous engagement of stakeholders, end users, adopters and/or customers at large are crucial in achieving impact in any business.

While dealing with the dissemination of the latest research outcomes in a specific domain, the communication of scientific results by an international team or the promotion of software solutions for market uptake, a coordinated and structured approach is necessary.



Trust-IT designs, coordinates and implements communication, outreach, dissemination and education campaigns for many different research and business initiatives, from 6-month to many-years long duration. We do so by adopting the SMART approach, identifying, planning and implementing a number of activities which are Specific, Measurable, Achievable, Relevant, and Time-bound to the objectives that the project or team needs to achieve.

The starting point is the identification of the key stakeholders of the action: we do not just list them in macro-categories (researchers vs industry), but we deep dive into who they are, which are the entities to get in touch with (institutes, networks, projects, up to individuals), we differentiate their needs and purpose for engagement, and the purpose and value proposition for their engagement.

The second step is defining specific communication and exploitation campaigns, each one with a list of concrete actions and tactics to implement, different channels to use, language and main messages, and KPIs for impact. Whether they are built around time-phases (i.e. product launch), brand awareness, information, education purposes or scientific dissemination, all our specific campaigns allow for an agile implementation and assessment of the activities across target groups, as well as for an easy monitoring of the human and technological resources needed. 

We work hand-in-hand with you to design the best mix of activities that all together will allow you to reach your business or research objectives and properly engage your target stakeholders. 


Ready to learn how we can help you with Communication & Outreach Campaigns?

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