There are a number of organisations with which we have developed a partnership that is of mutual interest and that helps us to be more effective in delivering value for our clients and projects, while supporting our founding principles and reinforcing our international credibility.


The 6G Smart Networks and Services Industry Association (6G-IA) is the voice of European Industry and Research for next-generation networks and services. Its primary objective is to contribute to Europe’s leadership in 5G, 5G evolution and SNS/6G research. The 6G-IA represents the private side in both the 5G Public Private Partnership (5G-PPP) and the Smart Networks and Services Joint Undertaking (SNS JU). 

The association brings together a global industry community of telecoms & digital actors, such as operators, manufacturers, research institutes, universities, verticals, SMEs and ICT associations.

As an SME member of 6G-IA, Trust-IT has contributed to a wide range of activities in strategic areas, including standardisation, vertical industry sectors, international cooperation and exploitation strategies for R&D development.

AEI Ciberseguridad y Tecnologías Avanzadas

Trust-IT is a member of the Spanish Cybersecurity Innovation Cluster AEI Ciberseguridad. The Cluster brings together large companies, SMEs, research centres, universities, and other public and private organisations interested in promoting new technologies and business development in the cybersecurity and new digital technologies areas.

Trust-IT has established an excellent and productive relationship with AEI through the EC-funded project Thanks to its membership in AEI, Trust-IT has delivered with other partners, key awareness-raising online resources for AEI’s Spanish Cybersecurity Innovation Hub CyberDIH.

These included the coveted cybersecurity Label, the GDPR Temperature Tool and the Information Notices Tool. These online resources provide a cost-efficient way for SMEs across Europe to improve their cybersecurity posture and potentially avoid potential GDPR-related sanctions.  


Alliance for IoT and Edge Computing Innovation (AIOTI)

Trust-IT is delighted to become a member of AIOTI the Alliance for IoT and Edge Computing Innovation this year. Considering that Trust-IT has a strong and continued collaboration with AIOTI through the CSA project which AIOTI members actively joined and led, through the leadership of Georgios Karagiannis, the analysis of landscape reports for the technical working groups in Edge & IoT whose main purpose was to capture the landscape of IoT activities and IoT documents/specifications published and/or under publication by Standard Developing Organisations, Alliances and OSS Initiatives. Therefore we felt it was a natural next step to sign up as a member of AIOTI and thus contribute to some of the focus groups AIOTI manages which relate to several of our key interests. Indeed Trust-IT sit at the heart of strategic and policy-oriented EU projects under H2020 & Horizon Europe Trust-IT as well as contributing to Policy, Research & Innovation in multiple domains including Standardisation, IoT and the relation to 5G and beyond all of which fall under different focus groups of AIOTI. Trust-IT combines dedicated communication & collaboration solutions to provide a full-service to their customers and clients to deliver added value and drive more active and engaged users. All initiatives managed by us leverage on our in-house web designers, software engineers, computer scientists and a strong, multi-lingual communication team which brings together comprehensive expertise in complex ICT solutions, community building, copywriting, UX and SEO.

“Working on IoT and edge computing within our teams makes for a perfect synergy with AIOTI to drive forward new ideas, pinpoint market opportunities, create multi-stakeholder partnerships and grow our international networks, we look forward to working more closely with them”, confirms Silvana Muscella CEO Trust-IT.


European Cyber Security Organisation (ECSO)

Trust-IT is a member of the European Cyber Security Organisation (ECSO). ECSO is the privileged partner of the European Commission for the implementation of the Cybersecurity Public-Private Partnership.

ECSO federates the European Cybersecurity public and private stakeholders, including large companies, SMEs and start-ups, research centres, universities, end-users and operators of essential services, clusters and associations, as well as the local, regional and national public administrations across the European Union (EU) Members States, the European Free Trade Association (EFTA) and H2020 Programme associated countries.

The main goal of ECSO is to coordinate the development of the European Cybersecurity Ecosystem to support the protection of the European Digital Single Market, ultimately contributing to the advancement of European digital sovereignty and strategic autonomy. Trust-IT contributes actively to WG4 Support to SMEs, coordination with countries and regions, and WG6 SRIA and cybersecurity technologies.


Networld Europe

NetworldEurope is the updated version of the European Technology Platform (ETP) for communication networks and services, succeeding NetWorld2020 in line with Horizon Europe's policies. These networks and services facilitate communication between different device users, whether mobile or stationary, meeting societal interconnection needs. They form the backbone of the Internet and our digital world. NetworldEurope ETP unites industry leaders, innovative SMEs, and top academic institutions, encompassing a large segment of Europe's ICT community.

As a member of NetworldEurope, Trust-IT has been a key contributor in the 5G/6G R&I landscape, participating in various projects, leading initiatives like standardisation tracking, and producing resources for 6G-IA, with a focus on expanding its role in future 5G/6G research and communication efforts.


PM² Alliance

PM² Alliance is an international, non-profit organisation that brings together people from institutions, companies, and academia to share best practices while promoting the PM² methodology principles.

Trust-IT Services has experience in managing EC-funded pan-European initiatives and is very familiar with the principles at the basis of the PM² methodology.

As a PM² Alliance member, Trust-IT Services embraces and applies the PM² methodology to its various EC-funded projects to maximise the impact of its activities and ensure the timely delivery of a project's contractual results, by increasing the quality of its Project Management performance.



UNI - Ente Italiano di Normazione is the Italian National Standards Body responsible for the development, publication, and promotion of standards in Italy. Established to enhance the competitiveness of Italian companies, UNI plays a crucial role in facilitating innovation, ensuring product and service quality, and promoting best practices across various industries. UNI collaborates with international standards organisations, such as ISO and CEN, to harmonise standards and support the global market.
As a member of UNI, Trust-IT has the privilege to participate in or observe the activities of some Technical Committees, contributing to the development and revision of national and international standards.
Trust-IT also collaborates with UNI and other National Standardisation Bodies to support the development of CEN Workshop Agreements.


University of Pisa

The University of Pisa is one of the top 10 Italian universities and also one of the best in the world for its research results and the quality of its educational services and post-graduate programmes according to the QS World University Rankings 2024.

Through this win-win collaboration, Trust-IT continuously generates career opportunities for the University of Pisa's graduate and post-graduate students, while welcoming ambitious talents wishing to pursue a career on international and challenging topics that are Research&Innovation-driven.


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