OSCARS will maintain the high momentum achieved in these past years on FAIR data management and connecting research communities from all scientific domains to the EOSC by bringing together world-class European research infrastructures (RI) in the ESFRI roadmap and beyond and will be implemented in the next four years.

The project will lead and foster the involvement of a broad range of research communities in EOSC by launching two Open Calls (in total worth about €16 million) for the development of new, innovative Open Science projects that together will drive the uptake of FAIR-data-intensive research throughout the European Research Area (ERA). Projects can be proposed in the field of any of the Science Clusters by any researcher or group of researchers through a cascading grant mechanism.
OSCARS will develop a FAIR-compliant certification scheme for research data and community-based science platforms embedded in the EOSC environment and provide access to FAIR data services, data sources, guidelines & training. It will also provide highly composable research-enabling services, as well as data processing and management solutions.
The concept of one Community-based Competence Centre (CCC) per Science Cluster is something new, addressing each scientific community’s culture and needs strengthening intra-cluster collaboration by sharing best practices and developing common strategies.
The first Open Call was launched in March 2024.
OSCARS' results will be showcased through the EOSC implementation Macro-Roadmap.
Trust-IT Services supports the implementation of the Open Calls through the deployment of the TRUST-GRANTS Platform and process. Wondering how to implement an open call or cascading grants distribution process?
Do you want a communications and engagement strategy that brings results?
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These “Science Clusters” have strived to make:
- Open data easily accessible to the users and the public by providing scientific data management to enable open science.
- The Science Clusters are an integral part of the European Open Science Cloud (EOSC) initiative, contributing to its development and implementation process.
Want to know more and learn how we can help you with your project?
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