Standards help researchers and innovators bring their innovation closer to the market and spread technological advances by establishing uniform criteria and by developing methods, practices and procedures which are publicly available in a formal document. European and international standards provide access to large global and regional markets for innovative new products and services. However, those researchers wishing to get involved in standardisation often find this environment difficult to navigate and costly. Many research and innovation projects lack awareness and struggle to engage effectively with SDO working groups and committees. empowers the impact of EU-funded research and innovation projects through:
- Practical guidance and workshops (CWA and deep dive sessions) for researchers involved in EU projects.
- Financial support to standardisation experts offering vualable recommendations to the projects.
- The accessible Standards Orientation Tool for designing a tailored standardisation strategy.
- The Training Academy, a freely accessible knowledge hub.
- An interactive "Serious Smiley Game," aiming to educate on transferring and valorising research results. has distributed over €100,000 to qualified European standardisation experts, enabling them to advise EU projects in their respective fields. Utilising a dedicated platform, the project has streamlined open call management alongside a rigorous evaluation process conducted by independent external experts.
Over 100 EU-funded projects have received support, including practical guidance and expert matchmaking. Additionally, tailored recommendations from experts' activity reports and a diverse array of training materials, including resources on real-life standardisation strategies and practices, have been provided.
In an effort to ramp up the standardisation activities of the EU-funded research projects, the European Commission has adopted recommendations on the Code of Practice on standardisation in the European Research Area. They enhance good practices and addresses R&I activities regardless of the technology area. It targets R&I actors within a wide range of technology readiness levels from terminologies and concepts, through testing to interoperability and performance. It is recommended to invest in and cater for stakeholder engagement throughout the project duration. Project partners are encouraged to use established European Standards Organisations’ partnerships and liaisons to support their projects.
The use of the portal is explicitly encouraged in the Code of Practice on Standardisation, as project partners may find relevant information on training in negotiation skills, policy work and participation in standards development committees. also partners with the Horizon Results Platform.
Unlock impactful standardisation with!
Empowering H2020 & Horizon Europe projects, we offer practical guidance, expert matchmaking, and financial support across Europe. With over €100,000 distributed to qualified European experts and 197 premium services delivered, we drive impactful standardisation, enhancing the EU's competitiveness.
Start amplifying your project's impact now and explore collaboration opportunities to increase and valorise project results. Visit our website today.

The numbers are subject to modifications as the project is still running.
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