With 20+ years of hands-on experience, we organise and manage international events in various scientific and technological domains.

We have a proven track-record in working in complex scenarios, with support of high-end web platforms to engage multiple stakeholders.



Our staff members have direct experience in organising face-to-face, virtual, and hybrid events. 

The agile approach we adopt allows us to pull out the optimal results for results-oriented gatherings – from large conferences to tailored, strategic-level workshops/webinars of as small a group as twenty people – with outstanding results that have led to impactful policy briefs, roadmaps, influential insights, at international level.

In the A-to-Z organisation of events, we bring our teams on location and provide support from coordination of all the logistics & local suppliers, to welcoming of the attendees at the event. We support you in agenda design, targeted speaker & participant recruitment, online presence, on-site management, social event organisation, networking opportunities, press and media coverage, as well as pre- & post-event reporting.

We are aware of how much technology, social media & the web can mean for recruiting a representative attendance and providing an engaging user experience. Rely on us for all the complexities behind the event! We act as ‘general contractor’ and our Clients can focus on the event itself and on the results they achieve from it.

We pride ourselves on being able to deliver well-organised events, from design, to local implementation, to execution of the post-event phase.

All with a relentless attention to delivering great value for money.

See some examples of what we have done and contact us here for more information.


Ready to learn how we can help you with A-Z Organisation & Management?

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