
REINFORCE - Bridging the gap between Science and Society through Citizen Science

Description and Scope Citizen science interventions are becoming more and more relevant across all scientific disciplines and the humanities and it can potentially bring a wide variety of benefits to...Read more


Managing, simplifying and disseminating High-Throughput computational materials science with AiiDA, AiiDA lab, and the Materials Cloud Archive

The available computational power has steadily increased over the past decades and continues to do so, with upcoming superclusters going towards a performance on the scale of Exaflops/s. These...Read more


The Research Data Alliance contributing to the European Open Science Cloud

The RDA platform is being significantly leveraged in the creation of the European Open Science Cloud (EOSC). The Report on RDA integration with other European initiatives issued by RDA Europe 4.0...Read more


Galaxy Zoo: Clump Scout – a first look at the results

Great news from ESCAPE first Citizen Science Project: Clump Scout! Since launching Clump Scout in September of last year, over 7,000 volunteers provide more than 800,000 classifications! Since around the halfway point with this project, a few things were learned so far. There is a new set of local clumpy galaxies to examine more closely.Read more

Events Proposers Webinar

The purpose of the project is to fund open calls for EU innovators to carry out NGI related experiments with a US team on experimental platforms (either EU or US experimental platforms...Read more


How to use Quantum ESPRESSO on new GPU based HPC systems

New HPC clusters based on accelerators will soon enter the production phase. These machines are conceptually different from most of those previously employed by Quantum ESPRESSO users. The MaX...Read more
