Today, standard-setting organisations face formidable challenges in blockchain/DLT standardisation, allowing multiple stakeholders to confidently and securely share access to the same version of data while grappling with decentralised governance. This environment is complex to navigate as well as costly, especially for individuals, SMEs and start-ups, who lack budgets to participate in standards Working Groups and Technical Committees.

But help is on the way. With its official launch on June 1, 2023,, over 24 months, funded under the Digital Europe Programme DEP of the European Union will empower EU stakeholders to contribute to open technical specifications and standards at the international level, bringing forward EU values & ethics, strengthening take-up, scalability, sustainability, security, and interoperability of blockchain/DLT solutions.
How will this be achieved?

  • A mature selection and support procedure on a field-tested grants facility featuring €300,000 earmarked to support 40+ European Experts contributing to Blockchain/DLT Standardisation efforts, in line with the Rolling Plan for ICT Standardisation.
  • Contribution to 100+ Standardisation documents (Deliverables / Technical Reports / Specifications) by the Experts funded by
  • Establishment of a Permanent Task Force in collaboration with EU Blockchain players with a coordinated approach on the EU & International scene.
  • Set up of Technical Working Group of experts to deliver a Landscape and Gap analysis Report on Blockchain/DLT Standardisation.
  • Development of the Standards Visualisation Tool to foster Education and Capacity building on Blockchain/DLT Standardisation.

All of this will be complemented by the organisation of compelling workshops, international events, and webinars with the development of specific blockchain/DLT standardisation skills at the European level, while establishing a direct and continuous dialogue with the Specifically-Supported Initiatives (SSIs) such as EBP, EBSI, the 2026 CSA project funded under the EU Horizon Europe programme and INATBA, and thereby aligning all actions with the EC-driven strategy in blockchain/DLT standardisation.

The SEEBLOCKS Partners

The lean and skilled Consortium of Partners is coordinated by Trust-IT Srl, an SME with over 15 years’ experience of managing complex pan-European projects including, the flagship European ICT standardisation project. Partner COMMpla Srl contributes mature and sophisticated platform technology know-how to provide a rich environment hosting a myriad of Blockchain standardisation activities. Dublin City University is a major player and emerging technologies standards leader in Standards Working Groups and Technical Communities, as well as educating future standards experts. The team is rounded out by the Fraunhofer Institute for Systems and Innovation Research ISI, an innovation research institute with expertise in the interface between R&I and standardisation with teaching skills and works on the impact assessment of blockchain pilots as part of the IMPULSE project. All partners provide synergies with both and – which provides tailored Standardisation support to H2020 and Horizon Europe projects

Join the SEEBLOCKS Community!

European blockchain standardisation experts are invited to apply for our grants to help us enable the EU priorities of strengthening and deepening the ecosystems of ICT Standardisation experts that will drive the next generation of Blockchain and DLT standards developers. Further details and updates about the development of - including our Technical Working Group and Permanent Task Force - will be disseminated through the official website, via our social media channels Twitter and LinkedIn and YouTube channels as well as via a regular newsletter.