Trust-IT Services, as communication and dissemination partner for FAIR-EASE, invites you to engage with top experts in the fields of Earth Systems at the FAIR-EASE Open Day on Open Science for Earth Systems. This event, taking place on Thursday 10th October 2024, from 10:00 - 17:00 CEST, brings together leading voices from the Italian EOSC node, the EOSC Association, government agencies, and EOSC projects such as Blue-Cloud 2026 (coordinated by Trust-IT Services). The event will explore how Open Science initiatives can bridge the gaps between digital architectures and environmental data repositories to drive impactful research in fields like climate change, agriculture, human safety and biodiversity.

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Event Background 

The FAIR-EASE Open Day marks the third annual meeting of the European INFRAEOSC FAIR-EASE project, an initiative that aims to develop and operate distributed, integrated services for Earth System observation and modelling. This one-day event offers a platform for policy makers, scientists, private sectors, and open science stakeholders to discuss the future of data federation and integrated services across diverse environmental domains such as soil, water, oceans, and biodiversity.

Structure of the event

The morning session, focused on policy and strategy, begins at 11:00, offering insights into Italian approach to Open Data and its integration with the European Open Science ecosystem. Esteemed speakers such as Antonio Rotundo from AGID (Agency for Digital Italy) will discuss Italy’s strategy on Open Data, followed by Donatella Castelli from CNR, who will present the National Plan for Open Science and its implementation. Roberto Delle Donne, Coordinator of the Observatory on Council of Italian Universities Rectors (CRUI), will share the role of universities in advancing Open Science, while Sara Di Giorgio from GARR will provide an overview of Skills4EOSC, focusing on building a training ecosystem for Open Science and EOSC. 

Sara Pittonet Gaiarin, from Trust-IT Services and Blue-Cloud 2026, will delve into the project’s efforts in federating open science practices across the European research landscape. Additional contributions will be made by Giacinto Donvito from INFN, who will discuss distributed infrastructure supporting multi-purpose scientific data analytics, and Pasquale Pagano from CNR, offering insights into D4Science, an infrastructure supporting Open Science and interdisciplinary research. The policy-oriented session will culminate in a roundtable discussion where panelists will address open questions, moderated by FIAR-EASE project coordinator Alessandro Rizzo (CNRS) and event's organiser Maria Luisa Chiusano (UNINA).

In the afternoon, a technical session is scheduled focused on "Interdomain Digital Services for the Integrated Use of Environmental Data." This session will showcase practical examples of FAIR-EASE pilots related to Earth system dynamics and biodiversity. Attendees will learn about groundbreaking initiatives such as ocean and coastal environment management, biogeochemical observations, omics in marine ecosystems, and volcanic risk monitoring. Presentations will also explore the Earth Critical Zone and how FAIR data principles are being applied across various environmental science domains. An open discussion will follow, providing participants with an opportunity to ask questions and engage in deeper dialogue. A coffee break will be held at 16:00, offering networking opportunities before the final session.

The event concludes with a session on the EOSC landscape, starting at 16:30, where Marialuisa Lavitrano, Director and Vice-President of the EOSC Association Board, will lead an open discussion. Stakeholders from various European infrastructures such as ACTRIS, ELIXIR, EMBRC, and EPOS will share feedback and comments, with the aim of identifying synergies and advancing Open Science within Earth and environmental research. The day wraps up with final remarks from moderators Alessandro Rizzo (CNRS) and Maria Luisa Chiusano (UNINA), underscoring the importance of collaboration and the tangible benefits of FAIR-EASE services for the Earth Science System.