Ontology Commons addressing challenges of the Industry 5.0 transition

Standardised data documentation and data sharing valorisation to foster data-driven innovation

The Industry 5.0 aims to support the transformation of manufacturing sites into more digital and environmentally friendly solutions and industrial processes. This new technology supports the long-term strategy for the European industrial future that aims to have better data quality, close connection of scientific and research infrastructures and cooperation with industrial players that can contribute to an efficient economic and societal framework.

The OntoCommons project plays a relevant role in this context as it addresses the need of strengthen the interoperability of industrial solutions through the establishment of common semantic basis in different domains (e.g. materials and manufacturing) that supports the improvements of digital interactions, collaborations, co-innovation, re-use and valorisation of data.  

In order to enrich the collaboration in this area, the OntoCommons consortium is organising its first Global Workshop with external experts and initiatives. The event offers a platform for all stakeholders to interact and exchange information and updates, and contributions to the content of the OntoCommons Roadmap (policy recommendations towards data sharing in the European Single Market).

The workshop combines open, topic-based discussions in organised groups with custom-designed engagement of stakeholders through low-level prototyping of novel use cases and emerging scenarios. 

All the participants can get the opportunity to join plenary talks, impulse talks, moderated sessions and learn more about the main objectives of the project, the latest studies in the ontology and industrial fields, while interacting with the project members and experts in the area.


The detailed agenda and registration details will be provided soon on the OntoCommons.eu website