SSHOC Workshop: Data Citation in Practice


FAIR data are the pillar of Open Science which is at the core of the SSHOC project. In order to ensure findability of data and other resources, it is crucial to provide easy-to-use recommendations for data citation in the SSH domains. Certainly, there are different needs and practices with regard to citation in the broad range of SSH domains, which is why this workshop aims to present solutions for efficient data citation from three different perspectives:


Apart from addressing general considerations with regards to citing practices, the speakers will also talk about the challenges linked to practically making citations, and suggest some approaches to overcome them. The workshop will provide ample time for discussion and hands-on exercises where the participants will be able to observe some consequences of using good or bad citation protocols.


Target audience

The workshop is suited to SSH researchers and repository managers as well as anyone other interested in data citation in the SSH domain.


Read More about Speakers on the SSHOC website