Top-Level and Mid-Level Ontologies Multi-Disciplinary Workshop

The Top-Level and Mid-Level Ontologies Multi-Disciplinary Workshop is primarily intended to gather Top Level Ontology (TLO) and Mid-Level Ontology (MLO) stakeholders to create an EU based network, spanning from the philosophical community to formal TLO/MLO developers and users.
During the workshop some of the most relevant TLO and MLO developers and users will be asked to present their actual progress in the field, to depict the status and the role of high-level ontologies in the strategic perspective of European Industry digitalisation.
The workshop will give the opportunity to all attendees to contribute to the OntoCommons goal to create a Top Reference Ontology to facilitate alignments and comparisons between TLOs and MLOs, which will constitute the core of the OntoCommons EcoSystem (OCES): a set of ontologies and tools in the industrial domain following state-of-the art FAIR rules that will enable end users to harvest their potential at different levels, according to their specific needs.
Participant will take active role in the discussion, both during and after the event, providing valuable feedback to the OntoCommons project in the form of community driven objectives and strategic priorities, together with the identification of the bottlenecks that prevents further use of ontologies in the EU and the opportunities not yet fully exploited.
Participant are asked to register to the OntoCommons website and fill the dedicated questionnaire. A confirmation email will be sent by the organizers.
Who should join?
Top Level and Mid-Level ontology developers that want to:
- participate to the EU coordinated initiative for ontology-based Data Documentation
- connect with other relevant stakeholders in the ontology fields
- find opportunities for the exploitation of their ontology development
Ontology users that want to:
- understand the opportunities that adopting a TLO/MLO may provide
- contribute to a strategy for developing new framework and tools to improve their experience with ontologies
- stay up-to-date with respect to the most recent developments
Researchers that want to:
- formalise their knowledge into an ontological framework for data documentation and interoperability
- introduce themselves into the field of ontologies
Industrial Stakeholders that want to:
- understand the opportunities that adopting a TLO/MLO may provide
- stay updated with the EU initiatives in the field of data digitalisation
- contribute to include the needs of industry in the field of high level ontologies
Visit the event page on for more info!