Banner for Cloud-Edge-IoT

Mark your calendars for September 23rd, as Brussels becomes the epicentre of digital innovation. From 14:00 to 19:30, the Unlock-CEI Final Event will bring together pioneers, industry leaders, and visionaries to explore the cutting edge of Cloud-Edge-IoT (CEI) solutions across the computing continuum. 

As the Communications, Dissemination, and Engagement leader of the UNLOCK-CEI project, we at Trust-IT Services are excited to support this event. We have meticulously orchestrated the communication strategy and dissemination activities to ensure the project's findings and innovations reach a wide audience. The event will showcase sectoral applications and use cases from industrial partners, highlight success stories from Meta-OS projects, and delve into value chain analysis behind key edge applications and services.

Event Significance and Scope:

Europe's green and digital transition hinges on increased investments in IoT and connectivity, coupled with improved data access and services across crucial industrial sectors such as automotive, energy, buildings, and agriculture. 
The development of energy-efficient edge nodes and enhanced data infrastructure at both cloud and edge levels is paramount. Establishing a CEI environment—a computing continuum that seamlessly integrates data collection, storage, and processing from edge to cloud—will underpin Europe's competitive, secure, and dynamic data-agile economy.

To seize this opportunity, it is crucial to tackle central points for the edge paradigm shift. Collaborative work is needed for a common CEI reference architecture, identification of relevant open-source building blocks, and a unified edge taxonomy. It is also crucial to understand the needs of European industrial adopters, the evolution of the European CEI ecosystem, and market trends to align technological solutions with economic opportunities.

Who Should Attend?

This event is designed for Cloud, Edge, and IoT experts, companies, SMEs, and other industry players involved in related domains, including Artificial Intelligence, Interoperability, ICT security, connectivity, open-source, and ICT standardisation. Research projects focused on ICT, Meta-Operating Systems, Cognitive Cloud, Swarm Computing, and Software Research are also encouraged to attend.

Key Takeaways for Participants:

  • Policy Insights: Learn from policy makers and decision-makers on delivering the European Strategy for data and leading computing technologies.
  • Market Dynamics: Discover present and future market pathways for CEI in Europe.
  • Strategic Initiatives: Gain insights from EU strategic initiatives on data and computing technologies.
  • Industrial Best Practices: Learn about use cases and success stories from industrial sectors where European companies play a significant role

Given the limited seating capacity and high demand, we encourage you to secure your place promptly. Don't miss this opportunity to be part of shaping Europe's technological landscape.

Our Role at Trust-IT Services:

At Trust-IT Services, we are proud to play a crucial role in making this event a success. We have developed and maintained a comprehensive communication strategy that runs throughout the project's lifetime. Our efforts include the creation of an optimised public website, which acts as the main hub for project-related information, and the organisation of various dissemination activities such as webinars, workshops, and impact events. By fostering a strong community of stakeholders, we ensure the continued engagement and dissemination of the project's outcomes.

Check out the full agenda and more details on the website.