HUB4CLOUD workshop

Paying attention to sustainability and the environmental impact of products and processes is a normal and expected part of all activities. We have seen national and international commitments around this, for example, the EC and many national governments are making commitments to be 'NetZero’ by 2050 and in many cases before then.

Information and Communications Technology (ICT) is an area that currently has one of the largest impacts and even now produces more CO2 than the airline industry, one of the traditional high-profile emitters. This is not entirely unexpected with the pervasive nature of ICT in all parts of our professional and personal lives. As such, though, it is also an area where increases in efficiency or changes in practice could have a great impact by understanding all facets of the problem. This is especially true in the context of the new computing continuum, encompassing as it does the full range of devices and services from the personal and IoT, through the edge and into the cloud, as well as all of the networking systems between them. This is a significant challenge, as making these complex systems requires agreement among different actors who only have the visibility and possibility to operate on parts of the overall system. For this reason, specific attention is required of the research community to find methodologies, methods, and tools to achieve the real sustainability of software. and HUB4CLOUD organised a workshop on "Engineering Green and Sustainable Software in the Computing Continuum" on 15 September 2022, co-located with the 19th International Conference on the Economics of Grids, Clouds, Systems and Services (GECON2022) in Izola, Slovenia.

Program Chairs

  • Pierluigi Plebani, Politecnico di Milano (Italy)
  • David Wallom, University of Oxford (UK)
  • Giovanni Rimassa, CIO, Martel Innovate

Important dates

  • Submission of contribution May 9, 2022
  • Notification of acceptance May 20, 2022
  • Workshop June 6, 2022

Submit your abstract

The workshop format will be highly interactive and is aimed at triggering discussion and facilitating the creation of new initiatives and research groups. We welcome presentation proposals in the form of short abstracts (up to 5 pages) that cover the following aspects:

  • Context and problem to be faced.
  • Short description of the position statement proposed by the authors.
  • Relevance to the workshop theme.

The submissions will be assessed by the workshop Program Committee for their relevance to the workshop topics and their potential impact in the discussion.


The overall aim is to showcase the positive environmental impacts of the ICT space of research in the areas listed below;

  • Energy consumption measurement & benchmarking
  • Algorithmic efficiency
  • Edge/Cloud computing application and data distribution & management
  • Energy-saving/aware applications/stacks
  • Energy-saving/aware system/hardware design
  • Energy-aware management of data centres
  • Energy-aware services of communications systems

The aim of this workshop is to explore the major developments in the European GreenICT ecosystem including all areas from the application to the infrastructure, in particular open source approaches.

Accepted proposals will be presented during the workshop.

While we strongly encourage in-presence participation, online attendees will be admitted as well.

How to submit

Presentation proposals can be submitted as PDF documents. No specific format is required.
All contributions must be submitted using the EasyChair platform available at this link.