On 10-11 January 2023, ALLPROS.eu kicked off its activities in Pisa (Italy) with the presence of all Consortium members. The event was carried out with a strategic contribution from the European Commission, aimed at defining next month’s actions and priorities to efficiently support the project in its 36-month journey.

Supporting Europe in future usage of Chips

As of today, Europe contributes a mere 10% of the global share of production within the semiconductors market1.  Not only this fact has detrimental consequences for European businesses and industries, but it also determines an excessive dependency on other regions when it comes to any production linked to chips usage. ALLPROS.eu aims at reinforcing Europe’s capabilities as far as the chips supply chain is concerned to support its digital sovereignty.

“The Digital Europe-funded ALLPROS.eu initiative will pursue its goals primarily by stimulating the development of a vibrant community. This will include facilitating open discussions through thematic working groups, promoting events, and selecting and disseminating quality information to create a reference point and to help influence policy in the international, strategic debate around chips, says Silvana Muscella, CEO of Trust-IT and ALLPROS.eu Technical Project Coordinator.”

ALLPROS.eu: Empowering European Stakeholders in the Semiconductors Industry

ALLPROS.eu leverages an innovative approach to support the semiconductors ecosystem. This includes the development of an enticing online platform featuring an observatory with a technology radar, a marketplace of opportunities, a collection of use cases across industries, market trends and gap analysis, and an open discussion area for dedicated Thematic Working Groups focused on the major issues in the field. Furthermore, the project will leverage a coordinated set of opportunities for all stakeholder groups to engage with the initiative and international partnership models enabling all actors to benefit from the project activities involving them in discussions, workshops and best practices.

The ultimate goal will be to identify critical gaps in the semiconductor value chain, providing roadmaps, recommendations and strategic resources to support decision-makers in steering Europe toward a leadership position in the semiconductor sector.

ALLPROS.eu is led by a complementary Consortium of partners, which include:

  • Trust-IT – an SME with 15 years of experience in managing complex EC-funded projects
  • IDC – a premier global provider of market and data analysis
  • OFE – experts in Open Innovation and Open Technologies
  • White Research – Brussels-based social research and consulting enterprise that specialises in consumer behaviour, market analysis and innovation management.

All partners aim at leveraging their areas of expertise to ensure the development of a competent and varied community of stakeholders around the semiconductor value chain, to support Europe’s digital sovereignty in the chips industry.