Without gender equality, we have no hope to create a peaceful and sustainable future. However, the world is not on track to reach gender equality by 2030 as stated in the Agenda 2030 sustainable development goal 5. The gender gap is also hindering the global technological transition. In fact, according to the World Economic Forum 2024 Global Gender Gap Report, despite the increase in recent years, only 28,2% of the STEM workforce is female (47,3% in other sectors). There are also fewer women in leadership positions in STEM related firms. In fact, the “drop to the top” is more pronounced for women in STEM occupations than in non-STEM roles.
Trust-IT Services Srl & its subsidiary company COMMpla Srl is committed to playing its part, ensuring a culture that enables equal opportunities for women and men within our organisation in line with our Gender Equality Plan (GEP) which we regularly update.
The GEP states four priority areas of intervention:
- equal access to employment, including recruitment, and selection
- performance evaluation and career progression
- work-life balance
- Internal and external information and communication.
We are proud to confirm that female representativeness at Trust-IT+COMMpla has grown from June 2023 from 37% to 49.2% in March 2025 with a peak amongst Specialists (60%). This positively proves our gender equality approach in our employment strategy, in the traditionally male-dominated ICT sector. Priority Area 4 also confirms Trust-IT+COMMpla’s efforts in supporting gender balance not only amongst our staff, but also in the events we organise, the social media campaigns we run, in all the content we produce and the stakeholders we engage for impactful results.
Resources monitoring (Status as of March 2025)
We witness in our teams that our resources are more likely to learn new things and be innovative and creative when they have colleagues who differ from them and we do this with our 10 different nationalities. This ultimately increases our employees’ experience capital – thanks to our balanced gender mix as well.
For our Future? We are committed to pursuing this well-balanced mix of resources in our teams and we will continue to promote peer learning involving our employees in continuous improvement for a strong learning culture.
Our goal for the next 3 years is to consolidate the figure to over 50% and increase the percentage of female “senior” profiles, building on the positive results of the two previous years.