2022's final quarter saw the closure of EOSC-Pillar project, having advanced the European Open Science Cloud (EOSC) initiative within Austria, Belgium, France, Germany, and Italy.
The project's main results have been showcased during the EOSC-Pillar Final Conference: Building an EOSC from National Contributions which was held from 25-27 October 2022 in Paris, France. The event's organisation was led by Trust-IT Services which coordinated the dissemination, outreach, and community-building activities of the project, with contributions from all partners.
Among the main achievements of the project that was highlighted at the event was how they analysed the state of the art of national initiatives and compute and data services resulting in advancing monitoring practices in EOSC.
EOSC-Pillar also conducted a comparative analysis on IPR policy at the European and national level, also looking at gaps, the application of the IPR considerations. The result was the development of policy recommendations and a legal compliance guidelines checklist for researchers.
The project also worked towards improving the implementation of FAIR data principles in the region through the delivery of a Federated FAIR Data Space which was demonstrated at the event while also advancing cultural change through training and user support approaches.
Aside from the Federated FAIR Data Space, EOSC-Pillar developed technological solutions supporting different communities, also supporting the onboarding of new services into the EOSC ecosystem. In addition, a model for a national Service Registry was developed in EOSC-Pillar in the Proof of Concept for the Italian research community.
Another area of work were use cases based on real-life requirements from scientific communities in Austria, Belgium, France, Germany and Italy. Pilots were run to validate the proposed solutions, designed to be trans-national and general enough to be extended to other communities with minimal changes.
EOSC-Pillar has taken actions to identify and define business models for open science services.This analysis was presented at the final conference session on Sustainability and Business Models.
Finally, EOSC-Pillar also introduced the EOSC-Pillar Ambassadors Programme and established national networks that enabled a community of key EOSC actors within each country.