Standards and standardisation drive innovation by facilitating the transfer, commercialisation, and valorisation of research results. Trust-IT and COMMpla know it very well and this awareness has resulted in the launch of Standardisation Training Academy at the end of April 2023. 

Standardisation Training Academy Aims to Boost Knowledge and Skills is one of those funded Horizon Europe projects where Trust-IT and COMMpla lead and coordinate the efforts to support European presence in the international standardisation scene. has built up a platform, i.e., the Standardisation Training Academy, to boost the knowledge and skills in standardisation education and address the skills gap in expertise and the interplay between research, innovation, and standardisation processes.

Tailored Training Programmes for Different Learners

Through its training programmes, the Training Academy aims to support the development of a skilled and knowledgeable workforce that can effectively engage with standardisation practices and promote their adoption in the industry. The academy offers a variety of training programmes that are tailored to the needs of different learners, providing a foundational understanding of standardisation principles and practices, as well as practical insights and strategies to deepen their understanding and take their skills to new heights.

Special mentioned for and Standardisation Training Academy

The partners have been proud to publish it and make it accessible in time for the EU Valorisation week when the Code of Practice on standardisation in the European Research Area was presented during a specifically dedicated session on 27 April 2023, when and its services were mentioned by Peter Dröll, Director for Prosperity, Directorate-General for Research and Innovation, and Maive Rute, Deputy Director-General and Chief Standardisation Officer at the Directorate-General for Internal Market, Industry, Entrepreneurship and SMEs. 

The Code of Practice explicitly encourage R&I projects to engage in training in negotiation skills and policy work:

Training related to stakeholder engagement and participation in standards development committees should be encouraged. Partners may find relevant information on support via the portal.

Introduction to Standardisation, the Training Session on May 4th

To help researchers gain a better understanding of standardisation, the Standardisation Training Academy has also organised a training session entitled Introduction to Standardisation. The training takes place on May 4th and is led by Ivana Mijatovic, Full Professor at the Faculty of Organisational Sciences of the University of Belgrade and Standardisation Training Academy Lead. The session will use interactive approaches to help active participants find answers to questions such as why researchers need standards and standardisation, what standardisation is, and who develops standards. The training is intended for researchers who participate in EU-funded R&I projects and anyone interested in the basics of standardisation.

The launch of the Academy's new webpage is a significant milestone, not only for the project but also for addressing the need for training resources targeting R&I projects, as highlighted in point 27c of the European Commission's Code of Practice on Standardisation.