FAIR-IMPACT National Roadshow (Serbia): Research Assessment and Open Science practices in Serbia

With the ambitious goal of realise an EOSC of FAIR data and services, the “FAIR-IMPACT: Expanding FAIR solutions across EOSC” project responds to the need to support the implementation of FAIR-enabling practices, tools, and services across scientific communities at a European, national, and institutional level. The European Open Science Cloud (EOSC) is now entering its implementation phase (2021-2027), which requires active engagement and support to ensure widespread implementation and adoption of the FAIR (Findable, Accessible, Interoperable, Reusable) principles, to define and share standards, and to develop tools and services to allow researchers to find, access, reuse, and combine research results.
To better connect with national initiatives, FAIR-IMPACT is organising a series of “FAIR National Roadshows”, conceived as online events, with the aim of speeding up FAIR adoption by communities in different European countries. The roadshows extend the network of projects and initiatives that FAIR-IMPACT already collaborates with, introducing another platform to promote FAIR-IMPACT recommendations, good practices, and assessment tools.
The next FAIR National Roadshow series is visiting Serbia on the 10th of October 2023 from 11:00 to 13:00 CEST, called “Research Assessment and Open Science Practices in Serbia”. This virtual event is hosted by the University of Belgrade, the University of Novi Sad, and the Open Science Community in Serbia.
The event invites Serbian researchers, rectors, and decision-makers to debate around the status of Open Science practices in the country, starting with an overview of the FAIR policy regulations in Serbia, leveraging current initiatives, and assessing challenges still to be addressed by the Serbian research community, such as the eNauka portal. The debate will be stimulated by presentations about the GraspOS and OPUS projects and by FAIR-IMPACT partners working on their contribution to FAIR assessment practices.