Brief description
The EU-funded AtlantECO project aims to enhance Atlantic Ocean management and ecosystem services understanding through research on microbiomes, plastics, and connectivity, engaging global experts and stakeholders.
Our Role
Since 1 March 2024, Trust-IT has taken over as the project coordinator for AtlantECO. We are now responsible for the technical coordination and administrative management of the project, ensuring that all activities align with the outlined objectives. Trust-IT's duties include overseeing the development and implementation of the Project Management Plan, ensuring effective communication and collaboration among consortium members, and managing financial statements and compliance with the Consortium Agreement.
Additionally, Trust-IT is tasked with monitoring project progress, reporting deliverables, facilitating internal communication through regular meetings and updates and maintain transparency and coordination across different work packages, ensuring timely project completion.
- Enhanced policy design and decision-making processes for Atlantic ecosystem management.
- Increased citizen engagement and promotion of responsible behaviours towards the Atlantic environment.
- Improved understanding of the Atlantic microbiome and its relationship with ecosystem dynamics and pollutants.
- Contribution to the sustainable development of the Blue Growth strategy for the All-Atlantic community.
- Strengthened international collaboration and knowledge exchange across Europe, South America, and South Africa.
- Comprehensive assessment of the dynamics of Atlantic marine ecosystems and their ecosystem service provision.
- Detailed insights into the interplay between marine ecosystems and socio-economic activities.
- Advanced knowledge and data on microbiomes, plastics, carbon fluxes, and their effects on marine ecosystems.
- Predictions on the cumulative impacts of multiple environmental stressors on Atlantic ecosystems and their recovery processes.
- Development of eco-socio-economic models to predict future ecosystem trajectories.
- Implementation of strategies for effective knowledge transfer between science, industry, policy, and society.
The AtlantECO project has received funding from the European Union's Horizon 2020 Framework Programme (HORIZON) under grant agreement no. 862923.

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