Brief description is a European initiative that addresses the need for effective, user-friendly environments dedicated to training of private and public professionals in the field of cybersecurity. The project has a rigorous, high-impact validation phase with 3 full-scale pilots, one in academia, and two in critical infrastructures (energy and transport). The project, provides a set of innovative tools to generate highly detailed exercise scenarios simulating ICT infrastructures to be used for cybersecurity professional training, together with tools and solutions to simulate cyberattacks and defensive countermeasures and a set of highly descriptive economic models for cyber risk assessment and countermeasure suggestion, to boost user training and performance evaluation.


Our Role

Trust-IT led the activities on:

Moreover, Trust-IT was responsible for the task on Validation and Replicability and for the Coordination of’s Stakeholders Expert Board. Finally, Trust-IT delivered the Web Platform, the workspace environment, with its eLearning modules, and complementary products, such as the Cybersecurity Professional Register (CyPR) or the SMEs cybersecurity best practices assessment.



  • A stable and validated version of the platform  combining a theoretical and practical approach to cybersecurity with innovative features, including a cutting-edge cyber range.
  • Designed Scenarios that can be instantiated and orchestrated in an automated way, it’s possible to book the needed resources in the infrastructure. 
  • 22 courses have been developed. The training materials are provided in terms of multimodal online courses made available in the Cross-Learning Facilities of Courses include presentations, compendium, audio support explaining the content in the course, quizzes, and exam questions at the end of the course, as well as the hands-on practical exercises on the cyber range. 
  • The simulated scenarios and their corresponding exercises effectively complement the training materials to provide highly configurable learning path.



  • The platform was used by 41 organisations and more than 146 users.
  • Organisation and delivery of 6 webinars, 2 hackathons, 3 physical workshops and 1 final event.
  • Co-authoring of 4 peer-reviewed publications presented at international conferences.
  • An overall community of more than 4.000 members engaged trhough website registrations, social media activities, event attendance and newsletter subscriptions.


Funding has received funding from the European Union’s Horizon 2020 research and innovation programme under the Grant Agreement no 786668.



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