
Communication and dissemination activities are an essential element of any EU Research project. From proposal to project delivery, a clear link between communications, dissemination and exploitation must be clearly articulated to ensure the project and its results create long-lasting impact. The Horizon Results Booster (HRB) provides support to EU projects in these areas.

HRB result
HRB result

As member of the HRB consortium, Trust-IT delivers vital support to projects in how they address and plan dissemination activities. In particular, we support projects to identify and collaborate with other projects with similar objectives or target stakeholders to deliver joint dissemination activities. This ranges from creating a portfolio of project results to delivering webinars or policy recommendations to the European Commission.


Since 2020 Trust-IT has been inspiring and leading researchers across Europe to improve how they approach and deliver dissemination activities. Supporting small and large groups of projects, we have been instrumental in delivering events, videos, policy briefs and dissemination strategies for projects in all areas of the European research portfolio.


With the HRB coming to an end in November 2024, Trust-IT has exploited the methodology and expertise gained through HRB to improve other joint approaches to dissemination in other research areas and Coordination Support Activities.

HRB result
In Numbers
250+ Services delivered
180+ Project group results portfolios created
75+ Project groups supported in delivering joint dissemination activities

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