Brief description
The European Open Science Cloud for Research pilot project (EOSCpilot) was the first European Open Science Cloud (EOSC) project funded to support the first phase of the development of EOSC. EOSCpilot covered multiple areas such as governance, policy, science demonstrators, services, interoperability, skills, and stakeholder engagement.
Our Role
Trust-IT led the communication and engagement activities (WP8) of the project. Firstly, Trust-IT developed and maintained the EOSCpilot Intranet - a virtual environment for all consortium members to communicate with each other be up-to-date on activities. Trust-IT also organised EOSCpilot events including the very first two "EOSC Forum" conferences in 2017 and 2018 which are now known as the annual EOSC Symposium. Through offline and online engagement activities and development of tools such as the online consultation platform and maintenance of engagement channels, Trust-IT ensured the participation of all stakeholders in the formative years of the EOSC.
Trust-IT played an important role in ensuring that the project made the right impact within the EOSC community. The project provided a foundation for numerous other EOSC-related projects and initiatives. Events such as the EOSC Symposium is now the flagship EOSC stakeholder event attracting over 500 participants each year.
“EOSCpilot has defined the scope of the EOSC and provided the basis for something that was previously inexistent. The EOSC is now launched thanks to projects such as this, which have helped pave the way for what we have today.”
- Jean-Claude Burgelman, European Commission - Research and Innovation Director General,
EOSC Stakeholder Forum 2019
EOSC Pilot provided key results in the areas of science demonstrators, EOSC governance, policy, skills, interoperability and services. All results can be found here.
The European Open Science Cloud for Research pilot project (EOSCpilot) is funded by the European Commission, DG Research & Innovation under contract no. 739563 and is coordinated by Juan Bicarregui, STFC, UK.

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