Brief description

OntoCommons tackles data interoperability through the use and promotion of ontologies and the orchestration of an Ontology Commons EcoSystem Toolkit.

Ontologies are fundamental to support the digitalisation of industry, contributing to standardisation and interoperability, proved in practice by an initial set of 11 industrial demonstrators, which is being expanded through an open call.

Our Role

Trust-IT plays a key role in setting up the project's platform, gathering a wide community and successfully organising the global workshops.

Moreover, Trust-IT promotes the set of focused workshop organised by the consortium partners and is responsible of the overall communication and dissemination.


The OntoCommons project has generated a significant impact by improving data standardisation, fostering collaboration, and contributing to advancements in materials and manufacturing research and industry practices.

In particular, the communication activities of the OntoCommons project have played a critical role in increasing visibility, engaging stakeholders, disseminating knowledge, and supporting standardization efforts. Through strategic use of digital platforms, targeted communication, and continuous stakeholder engagement, the project has achieved high levels of interaction and impact, contributing significantly to the sustainability of its outcomes.


The main OntoCommons communication project results are summarised below:

  • 1600+ followers across all the project's social media channels;
  • 140+ videos on the project's YouTube channel;
  • 1400+ registered users on the website;
  • 1300+ users subscribed to the newsletter.

Among the other activities that led to the above results, Trust-IT has played a crucial role in:

  • setting up the web platform and the OntoCommons Focused Areas for experts consultation;
  • organising the global workshop and creating the related digital promotional materials;
  • activating synergies with relevant initiatives on standardisation through participation in Technical Committees and Technical Working Groups on ontologies and standardisation.


OntoCommons project has received funding from the European Union's Horizon 2020 research and innovation programme under Grant Agreement no. 958371.


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