Brief description

The CS3MESH4EOSC project, supported by the European Union’s Horizon 2020 research and innovation programme, by developing ScienceMesh, offered the researchers with a unique entry point allowing the users to control their remote datasets, exchange and publish data while becoming FAIR compatible and integrated with EOSC (European Open Science Cloud) at the same time. The project delivered the core of scientific and educational infrastructure for cloud storage services in Europe. This approach supports the researchers throughout the entire lifecycle of discoveries from data collection to archival with a completely secure and compliant service for all European researchers.

Researchers and developers at pan-European level are able not only to use ScienceMesh, but also to contribute to application plugins or easily set-up federations in their scope, thus developing their own activities on top of them. Researchers can access a global collaboration platform integrated into their current working environments and data collection or sharing available to everyone. Institutions and academia have the opportunity to choose different service providers without losing control over their data. Service managers and site administrators can take advantage of a well-documented environment for stable service operation at scale, thus being part of a large community of developers. The tech Industry in Europe and beyond can extend its current user base and ensure integration with the European Open Science Cloud ecosystem.


Our Role

Trust-IT led Work Package 5 by designing and implementing the CS3MESH4EOSC Communication, Marketing and dissemination strategy for a pan-European roll out of the ScienceMesh. This included specific marketing & communication campaigns for the promotion of the project results and stakeholder engagement activities to ensure awareness raising and involvement of early adopters and vendors within the ScienceMesh. TRUST-IT was also in charge of developing a new version of the project website and visual identity.



CS3MESH4EOSC positively impacted data sharing and collaboration in Europe by:

  • providing researchers a global collaboration platform which will be seamlessly integrated in their current working environments, which will be as well a platform for a thriving application ecosystem in EOSC;
  • empowering service providers in delivering state-of-the-art, connected infrastructure to boost effective scientific collaboration across the entire federation and data sharing;
  • delivering the core of a scientific and educational infrastructure for cloud storage services in Europe through a lightweight federation of existing sync/share services and integration with multidisciplinary application workflows;
  • making FAIR-abiding data archiving, sharing and publication available to all;
  • making collaboration with users and groups at other institutions seamless and accessible.



CS3MESH4EOSC has received funding from the European Union’s Horizon 2020 research and innovation program under the Grant Agreement no. 863353.


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