Brief description
With the strength and skillset acquired over the years of working with other related scientific research infrastructures, Trust-IT has been entrusted with delivering the new, evolved website for EPOS and aligning it with the implementation plan of EPOS ERIC 2021: ERICs and ESFRIs need to move from the pilot to the implementation phase where results, usually serve multiple communities, need a compelling value proposition.
Trust-IT applied its knowledge and expertise gained from many years in the field of developing complex, forward-looking web platforms to support communicating science to international and sophisticated audiences, having been a part of the successful activities that led to the development of the EPOS ERIC website in the incubation period of the Horizon 2020 initiative.
Our Role
Trust-IT Services led the way in terms of design, web development and capacity building, to ensure that EPOS ERIC had all that’s required to have an outstanding online presence both now and in the future.
- This has been done through a combination of project management, comprehensive training, the provision of the website and visuals, a UX design approach and the delivery of cutting-edge back-end web design. We have provided EPOS ERIC with Trust-IT’s years of experience and expertise, meanwhile ensuring that EPOS ERIC’s unique set of needs were precisely met.
At every step of the way, Trust-IT aimed to deliver the highest quality and world-leading standards, as identified through its benchmarking process and as required by an organisation of such high calibre.
On October 30th, 2018, the European Commission granted the legal status of European Research Infrastructure Consortium (ERIC) to EPOS, recognised in all EU Member States and with the flexibility to adapt to the specific requirements of each infrastructure.
The EPOS Delivery Framework is an international, federated framework in Earth Observation and Domain, encompassing the data and service provision integrated within the Thematic Cores Services (TCS) and made interoperable with the central hub of the Integrated Core Services (ICS-C), the novel e-infrastructure for promoting FAIR (Findable, Accessible, Interoperable, and Reusable) data management.
The EPOS website redesign has allowed EPOS to create a useful hub of information and resources for its extensive Earth science community.
Through competitor analysis, a simplified website structure, and a complete redesign, this Drupal-based website now offers a greatly improved look, feel and user experience.
Funded under some EU projects through the platform's evolution, the EPOS project went through different consecutive phases and maturity levels: Conception, Preparatory, Implementation, Pilot operational and Operational. Here is a whole timeline describing the whole process.
1st February 2020: The EPOS SP project starts with twenty-four beneficiaries from seventeen European countries across Europe. The project was funded under the European Union’s Horizon 2020, INFRADEV-3 call, under Grant Agreement No. 871121.
EPOS is a beneficiary of several EU-funded projects, which promote the knowledge-sharing and cooperation between several Research Infrastructures and other international organisations.

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