Brief description
The Policy Cloud project harnesses the potential of digitisation, big data and cloud technologies to improve the modelling, creation and implementation of policy. In three years (2020-2022) the project addressed challenges faced by many businesses and public administrations in improving how they make policy decisions by accessing and using data.
Funded under the European Commission’s H2020 programme, the project delivers a unique, integrated environment of curated datasets and data management, manipulation, and analysis tools addressing the full lifecycle of policy management in four distinct thematic areas, and using the data analysis capabilities of the European Cloud Initiative.
Our Role
Trust-IT coordinates the work on Communication, Exploitation, Standardisation, Roadmapping & Business Development, particularly leading the creation of the project’s visual identity and promotional materials such as printed collaterals and videos, as well as the management of Policy Cloud’s website and project Twitter and LinkedIn channels. Trust-IT also contributes to the project's work on Cross-sector Policy Lifecycle Management and Requirements, Architecture & Innovation.
Several synergies have been created:
- Data Driven Policy Cluster of five e-governance projects, under one joint branding, disseminating 1 Roadmap, disseminating via 2 joint sessions at third-party events and one 2-day Data Driven Policy in Europe Summit 2021
- StandICT2023 & Policy Cloud collaboration on standardisation via the onboarding of 1 Impact Creation Board member and an internal workshop celebrated to work on Big Data in Smart Cities white paper.
White paper: PolicyCloud’s White paper: Towards standardisation in data-driven policymaking - BigDataPilotDemoDays with I-BiDaaS, Track&Know and BigDataStack, one joint series of 9 webinars focused on big data analysis solutions in different domains. 400+ people were engaged via this series at BDVF PPP Summit 2020.
- Cyberwatching, DUET & Urbanite joint webinar on the 2021 published Data Governance Act
- DUET, Urbanite and Policy Cloud joint session on e-governance at EBDVF2020
- 2400+ Social media followers (Twitter/LinkedIn)
- 870+ Downloads from Zenodo
- 400+ Webinar registered attendees
- 200+ Newsletter contacts
- 6 Webinars organised
- Presence to 5+ 3rd party events (thanks to Trust-IT)
PolicyCLOUD has received funding from the European Union’s Horizon 2020 research and innovation programme under grant agreement No. 870675

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