Brief description
With over 14500 members from 151 countries (data up to June 2024) and 305 Working groups, the Research Data Alliance (RDA) is the strategic partner to represent the research data community for the European Research framework, and to achieve progress in thematic areas that need a global approach. RDA provides a neutral space where its members can come together to develop and adopt infrastructure that promotes data-sharing and data-driven research
Between March 2018 and May 2020 RDA Europe 4.0 has the European plug-in to RDA to ensure that European political, research, industrial and digital infrastructure stakeholders are aware of, engaged with and actively involved in the global RDA activities. RDA Europe 4.0 supported growing the community of research data experts and practitioners by offering grants for early career researchers and experts, RDA ambassadors, and RDA output-adoption. In collaboration with a diverse range of national and regional stakeholders, the network of national nodes supported by RDA Europe 4.0 engaged with research communities, supported national agendas, contributed to the EU Open Science Strategy, with the aim to increase the uptake of standards and participation in RDA globally.
Our Role
Trust-IT Services brought its expertise, by leading the activities of Project coordination & Grant Management, European participation to RDA Global governance, Communication, Marketing, Impact & Sustainability. These activities, consisted of:
1) Project coordination & Grant Management:
Trust-IT was in charge of the financial & technical & administrative coordination, including quality and innovation management controls with risk & contingency monitoring & execution. Trust-IT also ensured efficient and streamlined management of the cascading grant process.
2) European participation to RDA Global governance:
Trust-IT offered support the RDA Secretariat for governance & group liaisons activities.
Via RDA Europe 4.0, it offered financial support to Council, Organisational Advisory Board (OAB) & Techncical Advisory Board (TAB) European members. Trust-IT supported the coordination and organisation of RDA Plenary meetings and was responsible for the overall organisation of Plenaries taking place in Europe. Trust-IT provided active support to the global communications, including maintenance & evolution of graphic design & branding.
Video recorded at the RDA 14th Plenary meeting in Helsinki, 23-25 October 2019, where RDA chairs were asked "Why data makes the difference?". Their answers revealed the inherent value of RDA evident from their answers here in this video.
3) Communication, Marketing, Impact & Sustainability:
Trust-IT defined & delivered the European a 27-month pragmatic and user-oriented communication & outreach strategy, building on an already consolidated stakeholder community. Trust-IT worked to on-board new European members, additional national/regional nodes & new communities for RDA growth, adoption of results and sustainability of RDA in Europe. As part of a comprehensive RDA Europe 4.0 sustainability strategy, considering support, node based, and global RDA activities, Trust-IT ensured coordinated synergies between RDA Europe 4.0 & RDA global with the most relevant actors of the European Open Science (EOSC) framework.
4) RDA global platform & cascading grants platform
Trust-IT designed, implemented, maintained and managed the Drupal based web platform focused on providing a set of collaborative tools meant to facilitate the work within more than 100 Working and Interest Groups via Drupal Organic Groups. The virtual working areas, set-up to connect groups of users under a driving data related discussion topic, enabled knowledge exchange and collaboration via co-writing tools, mailing lists, file repository, catalogue, group calendar and web conferencing tools. The public website was also maintained by Trust-IT. The customisation of the Trust-It Cascading Grants Platform ( supported the RDA Europe 4.0 grants proposal and evaluation process.
RDA Europe 4.0 receives funding from the European Union’s Horizon 2020 research and innovation programme under grant agreement no777388

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