Brief description
Europe is a major actor on the internet with 615 million internet users. The European Union is the world's single largest online market. Europe is also home to many internet companies and many of these are scaling up fast. Europe is strong in social innovation and is at the forefront of digitising its public sector. European values should influence the Next Generation Internet (NGI). To help shape the next generation internet, has created an online space open to everyone: the NGI Consultation Platform, where Researchers, hi-tech start-ups and SMEs, Industry 4.0, social innovators and citizens are all invited to join conservations or launch discussions on topics of interest to them. On the NGI consultation Platform, is possible to post a point of views and share expertise on thematic priorities for European initiatives 2018-2020, spanning EU values of privacy, data protection, transparency and trust, core technology advances and social innovations.
Our Role
- Developing and rolling out the sustainable NGI Consultation Platform. The Platform is animated with discussion channels on NGI technologies and values, including responsible artificial intelligence, privacy and trust enhancing technologies and decentralised data governance.
- Engaging with a select group of experts through the European Champions Panel, with co-creation of NGI insights, co-hosted webinars and workshops.
- Building a thriving community of stakeholders across the NGI ecosystem: tech-savvy start-ups, SMEs, large companies, pioneering researchers, civil society innovators and entrepreneur clubs. Coverage of 38 countries globally.
- Bringing together forward-thinking individuals as part of the Early Adopters Club, animating the consultation platform and showcasing innovations at events.
Funding has received funding from the European Union’s Horizon 2020 research and innovation programme under the Grant Agreement no 780125.

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