Brief description
TREX (Targeting Real Chemical accuracy at the EXascale) is a highly integrated initiative that gathers a set of excellent European leading scientists working on quantum mechanical simulations of extreme accuracy in the framework of stochastic quantum Monte Carlo methods. It aims at developing, promoting and maintaining open-source high-performance software solutions in the field of quantum chemistry, which will readily adopt upcoming exascale architectures.
The project, where Trust-IT is one of the leading organisations, involves 12 leading European organisations and is coordinated by the University of Twente. The consortium brings together major scientists, research institutions and HPC stakeholders across Europe to develop and apply quantum mechanical simulations in the framework of quantum Monte Carlo.
Our Role
Within TREX, Trust-IT offers its dissemination and communication know-how, leveraging strong networking capabilities and excellent connections in the broader ICT domain, including interaction with key European and global players, also owing to the reputation acquired with the coordination of outreach and dissemination for another CoE, MaX.
Trust-IT delivers the Communication and Marketing activities in tight collaboration with all the partners involved and focuses on the end-user impact of TREX, including communication materials, video and interviews with those using TREX services, supporting the organisation of TREX training and outreach events and ensuring custom branding and target promotion of the project main assets, naming the new software codes developed by the technical team in the consortium.
Trust-IT is responsible for the design, deployment and maintenance of the web platform and its content and features.
The TREX website is designed as the Single Entry Point for public access to all of TREX's assets and services, in particular the the forthcoming software platform of interoperable flagship codes and libraries.
- Established a recognisable project branding and visual identity within the European HPC community.
Engaged a wide range of stakeholders, including early career and senior scientific professionals in Europe. - Built a strong social media presence to connect with end-users and share insights, news, training, and events.
- Created a comprehensive website as the core communication platform, showcasing project features and storing documents.
- Coordinated the writing of the TREX Blueprint with recommendations encouraging the European Commission to support excellence in high-performance computing and quantum chemistry.
TREX Centre of Excellence - project has received funding from the European Union’s Horizon 2020 - H2020-INFRAEDI-2018-2020 European Data Infrastructure - under grant agreement no. 952165

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